
12.01.22 11:31 AM

An increasing number of companies are embracing cloud-based services to improve operational
efficiency, reduce costs, access technical expertise, and secure scalable solutions that provide much-
needed agility. As 2023 arrives, cloud computing will remain a popular option for infrastructure and
applications due to its various benefits.

However, the world of cloud technology – even with its current robust state – also continues to evolve.
Staying apprised of what’s on the horizon is essential, ensuring companies can adapt their cloud
strategies in response to new developments.

By monitoring cloud computing trends, it’s easier to stay ahead of the curve. Here are some of the cloud
computing trends to watch in 2023.

Cloud Computing Trends to Watch in 2023

Advancing Cloud Security

Cybersecurity is a hot topic. Not only do threats evolve on a regular basis, but regulations relating to
cybersecurity also change, impacting a vast number of industries. As a result, ensuring cloud computing
solutions meet security requirements – or, preferably, go above and beyond minimum standards –
remains a top priority for most businesses in 2023.

In turn, cybersecurity budgets and investments will likely increase in the coming year. Part of this is
merely a proactive attempt to remain secure long-term, though some will occur due to increasingly
cumbersome security regulations. However, an emphasis on cost-efficiency will come with it, ensuring
companies get sufficient value from their solutions even if spending increases overall.

Integrated AI and ML Capabilities

For smaller to mid-sized companies, investing in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)
development internally may not fit into the budget. Cloud computing providers understand that’s the
case, and they’re increasingly bringing AI and ML-supported capabilities into their solutions.

Cloud providers are integrating AI and ML features to support data gathering and analysis, optimize
storage, and enhance cybersecurity measures. As a result, companies that use cloud computing
solutions may gain access to an increasingly wide array of AI and ML tools that would otherwise be out
of reach.

Multi-Cloud Solutions Increase in Popularity

The debate regarding whether to stick with a single provider or diversify when designing a cloud solution
continues to rage on, and that won’t change in 2023. However, multi-cloud solutions are rising in
popularity for several reasons. Along with supporting greater agility, a multi-cloud strategy can enhance
security, provide redundancy, and reduce downtime. Plus, it aligns with a best-of-breed approach, which
may view as beneficial.
A multi-cloud strategy could also lead to cost reductions, depending on the overall setup. There’s also
increased versatility, as application development isn’t limited to a single cloud platform.

Ultimately, the various benefits of a multi-cloud solution could help maximize cloud computing
spending. With budget concerns being part of the 2023 landscape, that alone could encourage some
companies to take the leap.

The Rise of No-Code Solutions

Cloud computing is often the go-to approach for companies with limited in-house tech staff, primarily
because the provider fills the staffing gap through the overall service agreements. In response to this
existing trend, cloud services are embracing the no-code (or low-code) development approach, creating
platforms and interfaces that allow companies with little to no internal technology staff to design
applications, websites, and more, regardless of their coding savvy.

No-code solutions essentially enhance accessibility by using simplified approaches to create solutions.
As a result, they can make customized applications and web design easy for companies of all sizes,
eliminating the need for in-house coders or hiring outside professionals to get the job done right.

Derek Roush