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How to Effectively Manage Cloud Costs This Year and Beyond

12.27.23 01:56 PM By Derek Roush - Comment(s)
How to Effectively Manage Cloud Costs This Year and Beyond
In a landscape where organizations increasingly need cost-conscious strategies to protect their bottom lines, knowing how to manage cloud expenses effectively is a necessity.

AI Scams Posing Greater Cybersecurity Risk

07.03.23 11:09 AM By Nathan Weatherford - Comment(s)
AI Scams Posing Greater Cybersecurity Risk
Understanding emerging threats allows businesses to update their practices and more effectively shield their organization and its assets from attacks. Here’s a look at how AI is altering the threat landscape.

Securing Data in Cloud-Forward Environments

09.22.22 01:54 PM By Derek Roush - Comment(s)
Securing Data in Cloud-Forward Environments
Today’s companies rely heavily on the cloud, largely because of improved efficiency, higher scalability, and lower costs. But like any system, there’s inherent risk present in cloud environments, risks that must be addressed to remain compliant and secure.

The 4 Things that Surfing Taught Me About Business

07.01.22 01:00 PM By Derek Roush - Comment(s)
The 4 Things that Surfing Taught Me About Business
I never realized just how a simple thing like surfing could have an impact on my business career today. The more I thought about it, though, this lesson could really apply to almost any hobby or activity that we put a lot of effort in and attention toward.

Simple Strategies to Boost CX You Can Use Right Now

01.26.22 11:58 AM By Derek Roush - Comment(s)
Simple Strategies to Boost CX You Can Use Right Now
Often, company leaders struggle to understand the customer experience fully. While having an intellectual understanding of the processes is critical, it isn’t enough to identify pain points proactively.

Clear Signs That It’s Time to Find a New VoIP Provider

07.01.19 07:30 AM By Derek Roush - Comment(s)
voip providerWhen you implement VoIP, it is common to hope that there will never be a need to switch providers. However, if you aren’t completely satisfied with your service or otherwise feel that you aren’t getting enough from your provider, making a switch might seem like a smart move.   While it is true ...